+507 302-0360 / 302-0361


Panama Parkway, has developed and offers the food industry a wide line of biocides and advanced disinfectants to be used in a wide range of commercial cleaning, disinfection, environmental hygiene, industrial water treatment and process activities.
Our broad spectrum biocides attack bacteria, fungi, viruses and can be used in different concentrations: directly, in concentrations that do not need to be rinsed, even for nebulization.
It should be noted that the most important thing is the spectrum, that is, to attack a wide range of pathogens and at concentrations already established by the World Health Organization (WHO).
We have fully biodegradable biocides that can be in contact with food without being toxic and do not affect end consumers.


  • Avoid contamination and cross resistance by any pathogenic germ that can damage the product, the food or cause harm to consumers.

Recommended areas

We must know that, for a hygiene and sanitation process, the application of the biocide is the final step to eliminate any pathogenic agent. For this reason, it should be applied after cleaning, throughout the kitchen operating area, utensils, etc. either by final spray or by nebulization.

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